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Agnes P

Rima m’a récemment énormément aidé à examiner les blessures émotionnelles de mon enfance, qui ont été réprimées pendant de nombreuses années et qui affectaient ma santé. Elle est vraiment une thérapeute fantastique, possédant l’intégrité, la sagesse, l’intelligence et la gentillesse nécessaires pour aider les autres à …

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Agnès P

Rima has recently helped me enormously in looking at emotional childhood wounds, which have been suppressed for many years and were affecting my health. She really and truly is a fantastic therapist, possessing the integrity, wisdom, intelligence and kindness required to help others confront painful memories. …

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Full of empathy and an excellent listener, Mrs Wansa receives in a calm setting and has appeased my anxieties related to stress. Speaking to her has done me a lot of good. Both my children have consulted her for Sophrology sessions. She speaks fluent English and …

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I don’t know why, but it had been a few months that I was unable to get to sleep at night. I woke up in the mornings feeling very tired when going to school. It was very annoying. Mrs Wansa only saw me a couple of …

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I had to take a gap year in order to have surgery on both my knees. Going through several long months of immobility and difficult moments. Rima gave me techniques to relax and fight against frustration and discouragement. Thank you very much.